Country Info >> Colombia

Colombia seems to be coming out of an era of more than 40 years of internal battle between government forces and insurgent para-military groups.  The central government is reasserting its control in local municipalities and the country's economic activity and social balance is improving greatly.

Sources include CIA-The World Factbook

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Country Statistics

Government Type
President Juan Manuel Santos
Primary Religion(s)
Roman Catholic (90%)

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About Us


Intermarketing Direct es una importante empresa de marketing directo en Colombia, con una amplia y confiable base de datos de clientes a nivel nacional a quienes le ofrecemos una gama de productos exclusivos a través de la Televisión, Catálogo, Internet, Telemarketing, Prensa y Comercios.


Intermarketing Direct is a leading direct marketing company in Colombia, with a reliable and comprehensive database of customers nationwide who offer a range of exclusive products via Television, Catalog, Internet, Telemarketing, and Retail.


Llegar a más hogares Colombianos y ser bien recibidos, llevando una amplia gama de productos de hogar, belleza, productos de salud y fitness, ofreciendo novedades, calidad y buen servicio a todos nuestros clientes.


Reaching more Colombian homes and be well received, bringing a wide range of household products, beauty, health and fitness products, offering novelties, quality and good service to all our customers.


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